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Hi there!

I love hearing from my readers. Nothing makes me happier than reading your many heartfelt messages from my great readers!

Due to the volume of messages and my current priorities these days, sadly I’m not always able to read and respond to everyone. I try hard to respond to every reader’s email and it might take me a few days to get back to you. But please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will do my very best to get back to you!!

I just ask one thing ….If you have a question or feedback about a recipe?

Please leave a comment on the recipe page so other readers can read it too! If you have a question about a recipe, others may be wondering the same thing!! It’s only fair to share so others may benefit from your feedback.

If your message concerns anything else, like a recipe request? Let me know! Even if it’s nothing more than to say HI, just click below to email me.
