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Easy Low Sodium Overnight Oats

By: Bill

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Low sodium overnight oats are a quickly made morning meal that is full of fiber and vitamins. Saving time in the kitchen is one of the tenants I strive to live by. So this recipe of low sodium overnight oats is an ideal option for a quick and filling meal in the morning. It’s not the bland watery porridge that you may remember. It’s a creamier, more dense with a creamy but “oaty” texture. That really hits your morning sweet tooth.  Moreover it can be easily made ahead of time in about 10 minutes.

Sodium Total  72 mg  –   Sodium / Serving 72 mg   –    Calories / Serving  524

You can make just a single serving for the next day, but it’s best just to go ahead and make a big batch, doling out as needed in the mornings. Or you can put in separate containers so they are all ready to go with toppings on. Trust me you’ll want more and it only takes ten minutes to make either way. I usually make about four ready-to-go with fruit, that seems to work out for me for the week.

  • Low sodium overnight oats with pears
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  • Low sodium overnight oats with peaches
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  • Low sodium overnight oats with mangos
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  • Low sodium overnight oats with blueberries
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This no cook recipe that only takes 10 minutes to put together, whether you’re making either a small or large batch.  And for that little time you get a meal that is nutritious, full of fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. A quick grab and go filling breakfast to start the day that will carry you till lunch.

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The basic mix of overnight oats before toppings

There has to be a million additions and combinations that you can add to this. So by adding to the base recipe it will never become tiresome or routine. Since there are so many alternatives, I’ll just show you the base recipe. I’ve included a list of toppings to jump start your imagination. I personally usually make it with some fruit and / or nuts to keep it simple, but let your imagination run wild.

Having a few of these in the fridge ready to go first thing in the morning definitely helps cover your bases when you’re in a hurry. You can take this filling, healthy breakfast to work or enjoy them on the road.

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Low sodium overnight oats in two cup tupperware

You can enjoy overnight oats hot or cold. Enjoy straight from the fridge or heat them up in the microwave for 1-2 minutes for those chillier mornings.


There are a boat load of recipes out there for overnight oats, but below are the base ingredients for mine.

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Low sodium overnight oats ingredients


  • Oats: Overnight oats are usually made with old-fashioned rolled oats. I typically use the Quaker brand.
  • Wheat Germ: Adding wheat germ or chia seeds is an excellent way to boost your dietary fiber intake per ounce. I personally prefer the wheat germ.
  • Milk: I use coconut milk at almost a third of the sodium per cup compared to regular milk. Plus it adds a rich, sweet taste.
  • Sweetener: You can leave out or use any sweetener you like. I love and use honey but you could also use maple syrup.
  • Greek Yogurt: Typically has lower sodium and adds a creamy texture.   

Mix well and add more oats to thicken if required to taste. Separate into individual serving size containers or one large container. Seal or cover with a lid and chill in the fridge for at least 3 hours or overnight. Overnight oats can be stored for up to five days in the fridge with fruit added and seven to ten days if they’re plain.

Low sodium overnight oats storage container
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Low sodium overnight oats ready to go in fridge

There are many of ways you can customize the flavors. Mix up the flavors so you can have a different one every day of the week. Just watch if the toppings have added sodium.

  • Almonds or any nuts (sliced or crushed)
  • Bite size cut Apple and Cinnamon
  • Granola
  • Banana
  • Blueberry
  • Peanut Butter & Jelly
  • Pumpkin spice (none for me thanks)
  • Strawberry
  • Mango
  • Pear
  • Peaches
  • Melon
  • More coconut? (shredded)
  • Rasins
  • Pineapple

Overnight Oats

5 from 1 vote
Written by: Bill
A low sodium option for an easy make ahead filling breakfast
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Servings 1 @ 1 1/2 cups
Calories 524 kcal


  • 3/4 cup Old Fashioned Quaker Oats 100%
  • 3/4 cup Unsweetened Coconut Milk
  • 1/2 cup Greek Yogurt Plain
  • 1 1/2 tbsp Wheat Germ (or Chia Seeds)
  • 2 tbsp Honey (or Maple Syrup)
  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract


  • Measure ingredients into large bowl
  • Mix together till oats are covered and wet. Adjust desired texture by adding more oats or milk
  • Spoon into individual containers and add fruit or toppings
  • Cover tightly and refrigerate at least 3 hours.

Notes ______________________________________________

Try different toppings:
Almonds or any nuts (sliced or crushed)
Bite size cut Apple and Cinnamon
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Pumpkin spice
More coconut? (shredded)

I use, own and recommend these products and ingredients used in this recipe and I may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.


Calories: 524kcal (26%)

The information shown is an estimate provided by an online nutrition calculator. It should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist’s advice. Please understand that not everyone’s sodium and dietary requirements are the same, therefore some recipes may be higher than you’re allowed.

Did you enjoy this recipe?Leave a comment and rating to let me know how it was!

© 2024 Tasty Healthy Heart Recipes

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As always, please let me know how you like this recipe in the comments! I’m always interested to hear how your Low Sodium Overnight Oats turned out, and please share any tips or toppings you might have or used.

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Hello, I'm Bill

Welcome!  After my stroke, I began to prepare low-sodium and reduced-fat meals. Tasty, easily prepared meals that can help you change to a low-sodium diet for a healthier life.  Read more

4 thoughts on “Easy Low Sodium Overnight Oats”

    • Hi Alanda,
      I’ve used both. When I use canned I usually give them a quick rinse in a strainer.


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